sabine linn *

  1. N E W S

    May 2024

    From February to May 2024 I have been curating with Büro Himmelgrün and my former colleagues from Iwalewahaus, University of Bayreuth the group exhibition 'Every Seed is a Longing' in Bayreuth. The non-profit association Gärten der Begegnung – Interkulturelle Gärten Bayreuth e.V. is our main project partner. The exhibition is on view at the Ausstellungshalle im Neuen Rathaus Bayreuth from May 8 - 28, 2024.

    The exhibition 'Every Seed is a Longing' aims to explore and foster the significance of plants along the interdisciplinary scope of Plant or Environmental Humanities. It serves as a platform to explore the diverse ways in which people of our local communities and beyond engage with plants in the form of practice, thought, imagination and representation. Through art, collaboration and dialogue the exhibition showcases - and further seeks to inspire and empower individuals to re-imagine their relationship with nature and take meaningful action towards environmental stewardship.

    The group exhibition features selected works from the following contemporary artists and activists: Emeka Alams, Yassine Balbzioui, Michael Bayer, Paúl Bedón, Christiane Fichtner, Goldendean, Stephan Klenner-Otto, Sabine Linn, Markus, Christian Proaño, Bernd Romankiewitz, Robinga Schnögelrögel, Marie Schönheiter, Horst Siegel, Terreiros, and Franziska Wagner.

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